ProCom Automation – the technology company for CNC and CAM controls for the cutting and separating industry - continues to expand its in-house expertise and has now become a Microsoft Gold Partner through the successful certification of its own employees as Modern Desktop Administrators. This certification is reserved for only a few IT experts and guarantees customers and partners a high level of IT know-how regarding Microsoft 365 applications. The goal is to sustainably optimise the dynamic working world internally as well as in cooperation with customers.
Only 1 Percent - An Objective Seal of Approval for the Highest Proof of Competence
The certification is in great demand worldwide. This is proven by the fact that only one percent of all Microsoft partners receive it. Processes and procedures on the internal and external side are to be optimised with a total of four Modern Desktop Adminstators. Our experts gained a profound understanding of working with Microsoft 365 during their preparation and can apply their newly acquired knowledge of modern system provisioning, user and role management, system and data recovery, compliance, Windows Defender, and mobile application management directly in practice.
Die Experten erlangten bei der Vorbereitung ein tiefgründiges Verständnis für die Arbeit mit Microsoft 365 und können ihre neu erworbenen Kenntnisse zu moderner Systembereitstellung, Nutzer- und Rollenverwaltung, System- und Datenrettung, Compliance, Windows Defender und Mobile Application Management direkt in der Praxis anwenden.
Cloud-Based Services for Greater Internal and External Efficiency
Consequently, the company now relies on cloud-based services such as the SharePoint platform to exchange data. Customers also benefit from this as each customer gets its own area in the cloud. This makes the exchange of data more convenient, faster and cloud-based. This significantly minimises the time required for data transfer on both sides.
Internal communication has also been shifted to Microsoft Teams, improving the flow of information, and making processes faster, more routine, and more efficient. Daily e-mail traffic has been reduced by almost 70 per cent!
The Aachen-based company proves that it meets the highest level of generally applicable Microsoft working standards with this certification. “Anyone who delivers high-quality products also needs high-quality tools and application expertise“ says Sebastian Scheufen, Head of IT at ProCom Automation.
Anyone who delivers high-quality products also needs high-quality tools and application expertise
Cutting-Edge Technologies and Products
Bernd Göttgens, Managing Director of the company, is also pleased about the award: “This new type of digital collaboration is still in its infancy in many successful and traditional companies. However, the professional, expert handling, set-up and operation of the IT infrastructure is essential. It proves to be an internal efficiency booster in daily work and is very future-oriented. The fact that we are one of the few companies to have accepted the challenge of implementing this way of working already shows that we have the courage to always deal with the latest technologies - and that we have the competence to use them profitably for ourselves and our customers!”
Promising synergies arise above all in the area of IoT products from ProCom Automation. For example, the cloud-based IoT solution “Clouver“ for production data visualisation can be further expanded and optimised thanks to the newly acquired knowledge - first ideas have already been developed.
About ProCom Automation
ProCom Automation is a specialist in automation solutions in the cutting and separating industry. For more than 40 years, the experts at ProCom have been developing high-tech control solutions featuring CNC and CAM software, high-quality hardware, and an optimised IIoT solution for the manufacturing industry.
Machine manufacturers all over the world benefit from cutting edge automation solutions for a wide range of cutting technologies such as knife, laser, water jet, plasma, and foam contour cutting. With product development focused on market and customer needs, ProCom Automation delivers unique features with significant added value to provide customers with a key competitive advantage for their success.
Clouver, the IIoT production monitoring platform, connects heterogeneous machine parks and brings transparency to production processes. With the targeted data evaluation of Clouver, unused potentials become visible, and productivity is optimised sustainably.
The company with its headquarter in Aachen is well established in the European and Chinese market and continuously invests in the ongoing development and expansion of its product portfolio as well as in future-oriented technologies like digitalisation for maximum efficiency and flexibility.
Press Contact
ProCom Automation GmbH
Jülicher Str. 344
52070 Aachen
Tel. +49 241 93681-500